Have you face those problem when you ask your gf what she wants to do and eat?
Afraid to listen this three answers? Let's have a look on it...
Story 1 - Answer: Whatever
Men: What to have for dinner?
Women: Whatever..
Men: Why not we have steamboat?
Women: Don't want la, eat steamboat later got pimples in my face
Men: Alright, why not we have Si Chuan cuisine
Women: Yesterday ate Si Chuan, today eat again?
Men: Hmm..... I suggest we have seafood
Women: Seafood no good la, later I got diarrhea
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women : Whatever..
Story 2 - Answer: Anything
Men: So what should we do now?
Women: Anything
Men: How about watching movie? Long time we didn't watch movie
Women: Watching movie no good la, waste time only
Men: How about we play bowling, do some exercises?
Women: Exercise in such hot day? You not feel tire meh?
Men: Then find a cafe and have drink
Women: Drink coffee will affect my sleep
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: Anything
Story 3 - Answer: You Decide
Men: Then we just go home lo
Women: You decide
Men: Let take bus, I will accompany you
Women: Bus is dirty and crowded. Don't want la
Men: Ok we will take Taxi
Women: Not worth it la... for such a short distance
Men: Alright, then we walk lo. Take a slow walk
Women: What to walk with empty stomach woh?
Men: Then what you suggest?
Women: You decide
Men: Let's have dinner first
Women: Whatever...
Men: Eat what?
Women: Anything
DAMN ANGRY....Look around... no one here, gonna kill her....
Remarks: Please try to avoid giving such answers to your loved one..... :P
Labels: relax
omg.. thats exactly what my mom and ex always say
July 14, 2007 at 8:40 AM
lolz I've seen this before, but no matter how many times I read these, I still laugh out loud! Damn they are so true!
July 14, 2007 at 10:39 AM
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