This evening once after working and back to locker to bring back my stuffs and realizing that my eldest miss call me. Right after back home then I called back to her and I was surprising as she gave birth already o! So happy that she gave birth finally as I saw her so tired of carrying such a big stomach all the while,Hahahah. I think now she must feel much relaxing.
I think the happiest people should be my parents and my sister-in-law. This baby considered the first baby in our family right after 5 of my siblings. Currently, my sister will stay with my parents for temporarily. Now, all of my family members upgraded our status already lo…hahahha…
As a ah yi, I bought a lot of stuffs for my sister’s baby and hope he can be obedient and clever o! For your information, next week I will rush back home and see this baby then only update you the latest information o. :p
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